Touch the Penn State Rock - Believe!

This now famous Penn State Rock's Magic to help PSU win football games is directly proportional to Penn State Fans' enthusiasm and belief in it's magic. Last year was the first disappointing year record-wise for Penn State (7 wins, 6 losses) since this rock was recovered and reinstated 5 years ago. Last year was also the lowest year for fan enthusiasm and belief in both the power of the rock and they ability for PSU to win its games. With your help, we'll turn this around this year. We have a great returning team and with the help of super enthusiastic fans who stop by Blue Hair's tailgate this year, a great winning record is assured. But you've got to really believe and you've got to super enthusiastically touch the rock shouting as loud as possible "GO PENN STATE!" The Magic Rock will then do the rest, by sending your energy to our players on the field. WE ARE.... PENN STATE!!


The Magic "Penn State Rock"


"Graham Spanier Believes"


Click here to read about the Legend of the Penn State Rock!

Pictures of fans touching the rock! Click here to view!

**Please send your pictures from the tailgate to**